Addiction and Recovery Studies II

The Addiction and Recovery Studies II Certificate is a 21 week program composed of 16 credit hours. This intensive certificate aims to enhance the student’s knowledge of addiction and recovery treatments. The certificate provides an in-depth understanding of the clinical psychology of treatment and explores various pathways to recovery. It also focuses on developing the student’s comprehension of human services, specific government roles in addiction and recovery, and responsibilities, approaches, and techniques. The certificate also emphasizes the importance of self-awarness and self-care. 

Addiction and Recovery Studies II 

Certificate Curriculum

This certificate program requires 16 hours of coursework as follows:


ARS 105 : Introduction to Human Services  – 3 credit hours

ARS 107 : Public and Community Health – 3 credit hours

ENG 101 : Composition and Rhetoric – 3 credit hours

MATH 131 : Algebra Foundations – 3 credit hours

BNT 101 : Basic Nutrition (Health)  – 3 credit hours

ARS 110 : ARS II Capstone – 1 credit hour

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